Where we are in our Adoption

We are navigating through an international adoption with few resources and little Canadian/Rwandan adoption history to draw on. So far, so good... We are adopting independently. The good thing is that we are now on the Rwandan side of this process - our Dossier has been approved and is now at the Ministry office there, waiting to be transferred to the Orphanage.

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Wide Open...Blog space

We've chosen to share our story with many other families out there and hope that maybe some of this will feel familiar to you...some of the empty poetry lines and white spaces might echo inside of you as well.

As we continue onward past the year long mark and beyond, we have found solace in reading other adoptive family stories. We notice many people visiting from all over the world...it would be great if you let us know why. What brings you to our pages?

You are welcome here...

Monday, July 25, 2011

Moon Tides

It’s true
Pecking at the black boxes on the key pad, daily
Each time, fingers move to passwords like lifelong friendships
A quick cradle and goodbye
As the mail is opened up, but empty
I shake my head at friendships that last
Sturdy and reliable, weathered and tested

We have passed the one year mark
One year DTR – Dossier to Rwanda
Poetry has passed time, documented mood swings
Like lights and darks and inks and blobs
And seasonal markers shift, again and again

The waiting has been long
The dream full brimming over
Hearts full and full of hope still
Unsure of where it all comes from
The faith, the dream, the hope

But I know we have chosen this path
With intention
With love
And with our hands held tightly together, swinging
Down our future, bright

While we may not know with certainty
Where this journey will end
We continue forward
Enjoy full wide summer days
Blue skies
Red lilies
Whites of eyes

And wait as our panorama unfolds, moon tides


  1. That is so beautiful...desperate but patient, sorrowful but full of hope:)

    You should submit some of your poetry to Sharla at Adoption Magazine....

  2. Thanks Hollie! I know you know! the poetry is just the easiest way to record what's going on for me...just for this, and one day for our babies...a record our journey toward each other.
